涵盖涂料和如何选择,保护处理与. 表面处理,就地保护木材的最佳实践,以及维护周期
大量木材使用量的增加强调了保护木材的必要性, 在, 且施工后不受潮, 处理, 紫外线, wear from human contact and cleaning products—and anything else that could take away from the desired aesthetic of the finished project. 本文的重点是利用水性的策略和最佳实践, environmentally-friendly architectural finishes to safeguard mass timber materials 在 transportation, 存储, 安装, 及以后.
当业主为他们的建筑项目选择大量木材时, 他们正在对木材进行大量投资. It is imperative that the project team do everything in its power to protect that investment, and to ensure the wood always looks as good and performs as well as it does the day it leaves the manufacturer’s production facility.
The appropriate coating system—preferably applied in the controlled environment of a factory setting—provides protection from myriad hazards the wood may encounter 在 manufacturing, 航运, 和建筑. 尽管尽了最大努力, 建设 schedules can be thrown off by factors ranging from weather delays to labor disputes, 保护木材是最重要的, 无论在什么过程中.
A protective undercoat can also help avoid costly repairs to wood members in situ due to moisture damage or staining, 哪些是由铁引起的.e. 由于焊接、锤击等造成的木材上的金属点.),提升系统,或暴露在建筑碎片中. Repairing wood in the field can be especially problematic if repaired sections look different than the rest of the wood, 即使是一个小瑕疵也需要整个部分重做. 然而,通过适当的保护,木材可以更容易地修复.
一旦构造, wood must withstand a range of 风化 factors and possible biological and physical degradation. These factors can be evaluated by a coating specialist who can design a customized system that protects the wood, 确保建筑在一段时间内性能良好, 减少业主耗时和昂贵的维护, and allows the mass timber structure to stand as a testament to the beauty and longevity of wood for commercial and residential use. 完成 can also be used to enhance the architect’s design by highlighting the wood through natural, 半透明的, 不透明的, 甚至是风化的色调.
确定适当的涂布时和保养间隔, 重要的是要了解木材种类/基材及其预期暴露. The majority of mass timber is utilized on the interior of structures; however, 可能有外部暴露, 典型的形式是拱腹和横梁. 基于这些考虑, a coating professional will evaluate the impact of 风化 and biological/physical factors such as UV exposure, 湿度, 暴露在交通/人类接触或污染物中, 温度范围.
架构师s and designers should consider the following in selecting a finish supplier/product:
- 大量木材保护的成功历史
- 可定制的颜色选项
- 饰面性能
- 环境绩效
- 穿透木材的能力
- 超低VOC特性
- 易于维护
保护性治疗vs. 完成
建筑工地泥泞不堪, 脏, 潮湿的环境, 建设项目也充满了延期的可能性. 正因为如此, it is nearly impossible to handle timber elements from factory to 安装 without them being exposed to weather and potential damage 在 存储, 处理, 和建筑.
最好的做法是穿刺术, breathable protective treatment in the factory—something mass timber manufacturers are increasingly doing. 工厂应用的保护有许多优点. 在出厂设置中, 衬底可以在精确的条件下使用, 比如照明, 粉尘暴露, 温度控制(最佳59-74°F), 湿度(40 - 60%), 并在正确的厚度上充分应用产品.
Applying a protective undercoat to all six sides of a wood element—including the all-important end grain—helps limit moisture absorption and maximize the performance of the finish coats. 当根据制造商规格使用时, 这些渗透, tintable and recoatable coatings help minimize discoloration issues 在 pre-建设, 建设, 和安装. They also contribute to better stability (less swelling and checking) of wood components and increase topcoat performance.
保护性底漆处理只是全面涂装系统的第一步. 随后的穿透层, 水性整理将提供额外的水和紫外线防护, 创造耐用性并展现木材的美感. 它们还通过让木材“呼吸”来保护木材内部,这有助于防止水分滞留在木材中,导致腐烂或发霉. Applying a subsequent breathable and waterborne topcoat adds another layer of protection for a fuller finish that will not crack, 皮, 或起泡,并延长维修周期的完成.
阿迪达斯总部的设计师想要一个低挥发性有机化合物, 环保涂料,仍然是高性能的. The manufacturer applied a clear protective undercoat to faces and edges of the wood elements to protect against 风化, 防潮, 并防止吸水和染色. 末粒得到两层涂层, and faces that were going to be left exposed received a coating that also contained UV protection.
LEVER建筑/ KPFF /特纳建筑公司/照片Jeremy Bittermann
建议施工队伍制定水分管理计划, 以及大量的木材处理, 存储, 及安装方案, 尽量减少变色, 模具, 木件表面的UV降解, 哪些会给美观和后续的面漆带来问题.
简而言之, 结构面板, 柱和梁应像木制品材料一样小心储存和处理. The best 存储 plan is to minimize 存储 altogether by coordinating deliveries between the fabricator and contractor to coincide with erection timelines. 如果必须储存大量木材, 尽量减少施工现场的库存, 在安装(i)时使用应有的谨慎原则.e., 不要拖拽木材, 这会磨损表面), 并注意不要损坏产品包装.
大量木材应储存在有遮盖的地方. 这是不可能的, 一个铺, level 存储 area that allows wood to be stored off the pavement will maintain a drier environment and allow water to quickly evaporate. It is also advised to use packaging strategies that promote air flow and minimize condensation. 这是不罕见的看到包装撕裂和水池, 哪些会导致与水分有关的问题, 包括基材上的模具和水线标记.
还建议在建筑阶段制定湿度管理计划. This includes removing excessive moisture off the wood 在 建设 to help minimize discoloration and performance issues.
不变, hydrophilic mass timber coatings shouldn’t require a lot of maintenance unless they are damaged 在 建设. 但是当大量木材以拱腹或梁的形式延伸到建筑物的外部时, 应制定检查和维护计划,每年对木材进行评估. 当表面出现磨损迹象时,需要进行维护, 衰落, 损坏或侵蚀(过度检查), 等.),并应在病情恶化前进行. 影响维修周期的因素包括:
- 按照制造商的要求进行木材表面处理的质量
- 根据最终用途和木材种类选择染色产品
- 表面颜色和透明度
- 涂装质量
- 涂层的时间表
- 先前应用的涂层数量
- 现有涂层与新涂层的化学相容性.g., 选择一种具有穿透性和保护性的产品很重要, but also one that is compatible with any other coating should a different manufacturer/product be selected for subsequent maintenance)
- 暴露在紫外线和湿气下
- 结构设计的特点是最大限度地减少暴露于元素(如.g.、悬垂、滴边、端盖等.)
涂层的渗透性和透气性对其耐久性起着至关重要的作用. Wood deterioration and 风化 can be slowed considerably with properly formulated coatings that minimize steep moisture gradients (i.e.(从根本上减缓水分吸收和蒸发的速度).
For all of the reasons detailed above, the most valuable advice is, “Don’t compromise on the coating.” It can protect the mass timber 在 transport and in situ while keeping the wood healthy and minimizing the impact of 建设 site exposures, 风化, 施工后与人接触.
Sansin -提供多种环保产品, high-performing waterborne coating products formulated to minimize the impact of moisture and 紫外线 on wood substrates and finishes and meet desired aesthetics in terms of color and final finish for architectural specifications
芝麻小事. (2021). U.S. 大型木结构施工手册. 第4章-水分控制.
芝麻小事. (2022). 大型木材安装工培训课程. 模块8 -材料保护. 模块10 -维修、饰面和成品.